What a great weekend. The assistance we got from our members made it memorable for so many kids. We estimate that we had over 300 plus kids through on the 2 days. My thanks go to all who came and helped. I don’t want to name names, but you know who you are. Your participation made the event a roaring success in my book. The smiles on the kids’ faces as they landed that fish were something to be seen.
The weather was kind – well it didn’t rain, did it. But it blew – so hard that it was threatening to lift the gazebos into the big lake when that squall came through on the Sunday. And it was from the south on Saturday, and boy it was cold. We could see the snow going down on the Tararua’s. Brrrrr. And that made fishing a lot harder. But we, and the kids, persisted. I know that some were there for 2 hours, but their persistence paid off eventually. Others got a fish on their first cast.
But however it worked out, the kids had a ball, the parents had a bigger one - when the fish was landed, and then the cleaning of the prize capped it off with certificates to boot. Wonderful!
Thank you to all that helped on the day, and our especial thanks go to the outside help we received:
The Charities who funded the purchase and delivery of the fish – Pub Charity and NZ Community
Trust, and Eastern Fish & Game who supplied them.
Matt Kaverman and the others at Wellington Fish and Game for their help with making the event happen and their equipment – gazebos, rubbish bins, fish cleaning table etc. that made it so easy for us.
Hunting and Fishing Otaki who took all the bookings.
Otaki New World for providing us with drinks and fruit for the kids.
Graham Winterburn and his team from Winstones, especially Mouse, Phil and Aaron who made sure the lake level
was raised, the area was accessible, and the long grass mown.
Winstone’s quarries who actually shut down quarry operations on Saturday so we could have easy access.
And once again, a huge thanks to our members and their partners who helped make the weekend a huge success.
Graham Evans, President KFFC
Wellington Fish and Game Region Regulation Review 2024/25 (August 2024)
At the August club meeting, Dr Matt Kavermann (Senior Fish & Game Officer at Wellington Fish & Game)talked about the changes that are being considered and promoted that will be made to the Fishing Regulations across NZ. Matt has a PhD in vertebrate ecology and has wide experience in research and wildlife management.
This is a BIG DEAL – a real opportunity for you to be directly able to give your views on changes that will have a direct bearing on the future of our fisheries. Please contact President Graham Evans if you wish to be part of a club sub-committee that will formulate a response to the proposed changes. ([email protected] )
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Fishing in the Eastern region - Matt Osborne (July 2024)
Matt Osbourne of Eastern Fish & Game talked to us about the opportunities including access to fish in the Eastern region around Rotorua, together with issues that the organisation is facing. Matt is a very keen fisherman and hunter, and he knows the area intimately. Scroll through Matt's slides below for information on access points, the hatchery, threats and opportunities.
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Click here for the Ngongotaha Hatchery Liberation Tables All trout released from the Ngongotaha Hatchery are marked with either a fin clip or a plastic tag. The table shows the number of fish released each year in each lake, and the associated mark or tag the fish have. The fish are spread around the lakes at a number of different release sites.
Corina Jordan, CE Fish & Game NZ Presentation March 2024
Corina is an experienced and very keen fisherwoman and hunter with a strong drive and high intelligence, passion and qualities that put her in a very strong position to lead Fish & Game NZ (F&G) into the new era. That was my assessment of her presentation to the Club.
Corina opened by setting out the status of Fish & Game in New Zealand, with functions conveyed under the Conservation Act 1987 “to manage, maintain and enhance sports fish and gamebirds and their habitats throughout the country”, noting that this model is unique in the world as it requires F&G to manage a public resource for the benefit of all present and future New Zealanders. She noted further that F&G receive no public money nor financial support from Central or Local government - funding comes entirely from licence fee of around $10m each year.
There are many issues facing the fishing/hunting fraternity and they are getting more difficult both from public attitudes and from regulatory positions. Corina gave us a quick summary of the issues and made us more aware of what the future could hold, especially if action is not taken now to preserve and enhance what NZ has to offer.
To assess attitudes and determine where F&G should focus, she has conducted a survey of how New Zealanders thought about the roles of F&G. The results of that survey, together with the findings of the ministerial review conducted in 2021 has led Corina, together with her team, to develop a new organisational strategy for the 5 years from 2023. That strategy is intended to provide a strengthened fit-for-purpose organisation more connected to stakeholders and Manu Whenua, to protect and enhance freshwater fish and game, their habitats and values precious to all New Zealanders.
The other very exciting, obviously from her perspective, but to me also, outcome was the implementation for F&G to ‘Tell our story better”. This campaign focuses on the “Rewild” theme and many of you will have seen this in operation in the press and other media, telling the F&G story.
She concluded by thanking us and all anglers and hunters for being such a significant part of the conservation effort and looked forward to contributing to F&G and hence all of us building the foundation for an enhanced future for the organisation and the sport we love.
I would summaries by saying that we should be grateful that F&G is in such good hands. Corina is passionate about the interests of anglers and hunters, with first-hand knowledge of the issues facing us, and her presentation demonstrated her people skills and incisive, decisive thinking. Graham Evans, President
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2023 Take a Kid Fishing Day
The highlight of the month was our Kids Fish-Out Day at Otaki’s Winstone Lakes over the weekend of 18/19 November 2023. We had 124 kids’ names on the list for Saturday, and another 30 or so on the Sunday.
The pure delight of catching a first fish was wonderful to both see and hear, both for the kids and their parents/carers. Once caught, it was gilled and gutted by that stalwart Peter Butt – he hardly had a break all day! Then they were given a certificate to hang on the wall and brag about, a recipe sheet, a Fish & Game mag, and the fish all wrapped up ready to take home and cook.
So a very big thank you to all those who helped during the 2 days especially: • Leigh Sirett of Otaki Hunting & Fishing and his staff who managed the bookings for us • Pub Charity & NZ Community Trust who sponsored the provision of the fish • Wellington Fish & Game – and especially Matt Kavermann, who helped us get the funding and provided the stuff we needed to run the event • Graham Winterburn of GWRC who assisted with the pond management and access • Gary Edwards of Winstone Aggregates who made the road in much more friendly
Taupo Fisheries Guide
Greg du Bern & Gordon Baker's presentation on how to fish the Taupo Fisheries - Tongariro, Tauranga-Taupo & Hinemaiaia.
July 2022 Club Night - Fishing The Lakes and Rivers of Rotorua
Wayne Butson shared his knowledge on fishing the lakes and rivers of Rotorua. It was packed with a lot of valuable information, some of which can be found in these slides.
Lockdown Fly Tying Challenge Winner
We have an overall winner for the Lockdown Fly Tying competition. Well done to Wellington tier James Rankin and a great big "Thank You" to the great team at Taupo Rod and Tackle. Please support them, they are neat guys and have a great range of tackle both in store and online.
TJ and his trophy trout
February 2020 Club Night
Come and join us at our Monday 24th February Club night and hear club member Tane Moletta give us a talk on “How my freshwater fly fishing improved my sea fishing”.
Kapiti Fly Fishing Club have a number of members who actively participate in the fast growing sport of Salt Water Fly Fishing. It will be a fun night!
Exploring Lower Ruamahanga River
Few club members took two Takacats to the Ruamahanga on 9 Februrary 2020 for a fun day exploring the river. One got a monster (haha) Kahawai and another lost a nice brownie.
We don't just fish backcountry rivers and some of us just love exploring.
Come join us!
Fun Night and Casting Clinic
KFFC members met on the evening of 27 January 2020 at the Otaihanga Domain for both casting tuition and a New Year get together. Lots of lies were told and new friendships formed.
With expert tuition from both Gordon Baker and Tony Jacques our members got huge value for minimal cost . Fly fishing is all about being "Out there doing it". Fresh air, exercise, fun, friendship and it's so good for the Soul. Some say it is the New Yoga.
Club Trip, Wairarapa, December 2019
We didn't see a rise all day, but a solid 4lb brown happily inhaled blowfly imitation today, while exploring new waters in the Wairarapa.
Club Trip, Retaruke, November 2019
Great weekend away with great mates fishing the Taranaki region literally the back off beyond. The Blue duck station and Retaruke river was stunning.
Winter Fly Tying Sessions
I had heard that I could " add a bit of red in the thorax" so I did but I also added a metallic abdomen. Crikey, when will I stop adding stuff? Anyway The Kapiti Fly Fishing club does lots of exciting stuff, including running Winter Fly tying sessions. If you want to learn to tie neater ones than mine then join up and book in. Size 18# and 16# little black dries.