We are a friendly, diverse community of fly fishing enthusiasts. Join us for a beautiful pastime, lasting friendships and family-oriented fun. All experience levels are welcome, and we offer skill development opportunities. Let's fish and have fun together!Join now!
Next Club Night
Monday 24th February at 6.30 pm - BBQ and meeting NOTE THE EARLY START! Venue: Ocean Road Community Centre Early start with BBQ provided and some fly casting fun. Followed by members sharing fishy stories and a sales table for 2nd hand gear.
Fly casting competition run by Gordon Baker, our club coach, is a great chance to see how the experts do it and to learn some casting tips and try out your skills. The winning adult prize will be a $50 gift voucher from Sporting Life in Turangi to the fastest & most accurate caster. Junior prize will also be given. (bBQ food to be provided by the club.) Visitors welcome
Club trips
Lake Aniwhenua & surrounds
Date: Sunday, 16 February to Thursday, 20 February 2025
The area includes the Whirinaki, Rangitaiki and Horomanga rivers. This is an area that provides opportunities for all levels of fishers and all levels of physical fitness. Full trip details available here.Location map. Contact: Wayne Butson
Rotorua Lakes District
Date: Saturday, 26 April to Saturday, 3 May 2025
Lake Rotorua is a high catch rate area for rainbow and brown trout. There are 8 lakes and 8 rivers within easy distance from the accommodation. Boat fishing has a high success rate. Full trip details available here. Contact: Wayne Butson
Tongariro & Tauranga-Taupo Rivers
Winter fishing dates are set for the weekends of May 16-18th, June 20-22nd, July 18-20th & August 15-17th. Accommodation has been arranged the at AFAC house in Turangi. Contact: Greg du Bern
Women on The Fly NZ
Next event - Join us for our first fly fishing session of the year, focusing on casting basics. It's perfect for beginners and those eager to enhance their skills. When: Sunday 9th February 2025 Time: 10:30 AM - 12:30pm Where: Haruātai Park, Ōtaki Please RSVP for this free event by Thursday, 6th February 2025 using this link https://forms.gle/hyDxuvU1FJLYAzfx6
Save these dates for the next sessions in our Summer series, planned for the second Sunday of March, April and May - March 9th is Introduction to Flyfishing gear; April 13 is onstream at the Ōtaki River, and May 11 is Double Haul Casting. Contact: Cheryl Naylor
Join our community of female anglers at womenonthefly.nz to get updates on activities across the country.
Casting tuition
Club member Gordon Baker is available for free one-on-one casting tuition. Gordon is a casting instructor with Flyfishers International (USA). He is available to help beginners get off to a good start and to assist more experienced members improve their distance casting skills. Please don't hesitate to give Gordon a call for casting and other advice. Contact: Gordon Baker. (027 494 6487)
Club meetings happen every month at 7:30pm on the fourth Monday of the month (excluding December)
Ocean Road Community Centre, 45 Ocean Road, Paraparaumu Visitors are welcome.
We enjoy frequent field trips around New Zealand-this 10 lbr. from Lake Rotoiti
For many years the club has sponsored and hosted local kids who may not otherwise get the opportunity to catch, fillet and eat their own fish. Needless to say it has been a highlight for many young -(and older)-lives. We are active in our community and encourage others to share in our fly fishing world